
Xiphy Digital

Advanced Programmatic Advertising Solutions

Xiphy Digital is a fully integrated programmatic advertising agency offering technology and media services. We’re the modern media partner for modern agencies.

    Unlock the Potential of Programmatic Advertising

    Programmatic advertising transforms the ad buying and selling process through automation, data, and algorithms, enabling highly targeted campaigns. By automating ad space transactions, it allows for real-time audience targeting, campaign optimization, and innovative marketing strategies.

    Statista projects that by 2026, programmatic advertising will account for 86% of total US advertising revenue, underscoring its significant growth and crucial role in the industry.

    Trust the Experts: Delivering Measurable Results

    At Xiphy Digital, we provide top-notch media activation, optimization, and analytics services tailored for agencies and in-house teams. If you’re looking to drive growth for your clients’ businesses, we’re here to be your trusted media execution partner.

    Our Approach

    At Xiphy Digital, we excel in delivering cutting-edge programmatic advertising services designed to elevate your digital marketing strategy. Our expert team harnesses the power of automation, advanced data analytics, and sophisticated algorithms to create highly targeted and efficient ad campaigns. By leveraging real-time audience insights and automated ad space transactions, we ensure your ads reach the right people at the right time, optimizing campaign performance and driving measurable results.

    Whether you’re an agency looking to enhance your media offerings or an in-house team seeking to boost your advertising effectiveness, our programmatic solutions are tailored to meet your specific needs and maximize your ROI. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of programmatic advertising and achieve your marketing goals with precision and agility.


    Why Should you Choose Programmatic Advertising from Xiphy Digital


    Programmatic advertising allows for highly specific audience targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and real-time data. This ensures that ads reach the most relevant users, enhancing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.


    With automated systems and data-driven insights, programmatic advertising enables real-time adjustments to campaigns. This means ads can be continually optimized for performance, improving ROI and ensuring resources are allocated effectively.


    The automation of ad transactions through programmatic platforms streamlines the buying process, reducing the need for manual negotiations and increasing operational efficiency. This not only saves time but also allows for more precise budget management.


    Programmatic advertising provides access to detailed analytics and performance metrics. This data allows for in-depth analysis of campaign effectiveness, helping marketers make informed decisions and refine strategies to achieve better results.



    Programmatic advertising uses automated technology and data-driven algorithms to buy and sell digital ad space in real-time. It allows for precise targeting of audiences and efficient management of ad campaigns across various platforms.

    Programmatic advertising involves using software to purchase ad space through real-time bidding or direct programmatic deals. Advertisers set targeting criteria and budgets, and the system automatically places ads to reach the desired audience based on real-time data.

    Programmatic advertising offers several benefits including precise audience targeting, real-time campaign optimization, efficient ad buying processes, and detailed performance analytics. It helps improve ROI by ensuring ads are shown to the most relevant users and allows for continuous adjustment based on campaign performance.

    Programmatic advertising supports various ad formats, including display ads, video ads, native ads, and mobile ads. Each format can be used across different channels and devices to engage audiences effectively.

    To get started with programmatic advertising, you need to define your marketing goals, select a programmatic platform or partner, set up targeting parameters, and develop creative assets. From there, you can launch campaigns and begin monitoring performance to optimize your strategy.

    Real-time bidding (RTB) is a type of programmatic advertising where ad inventory is bought and sold through an auction process in real-time. Programmatic direct, on the other hand, involves buying ad space directly from publishers at pre-negotiated rates, offering more guaranteed placements and often better pricing.

    Success can be measured using various performance metrics such as impressions, click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Programmatic platforms provide detailed analytics and reporting tools to track these metrics, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

    What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

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