The Best PPC Company in  Bangalore

Backed with an experience of over a decade we are more than a Digital Marketing Agency; We are efficient performance marketing facilitators for your business.

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Importance of PPC services

PPC or pay-per-click is a sort of web marketing that involves advertisers paying charges every time one of their advertisements is clicked. As simple as, if someone clicks on an ad you’ve placed, you pay for the advertising. We at Xiphy Digital increase your digital imprints with PPC campaigns or Google keywords and Bing AdWords. It’s basically a procedure of obtaining visits to your website, besides driving website visits organically.

If the PPC is functioning properly, the return on ad spend (ROAS) should be significant, as a visit to your site is worth more than what you pay. On the other hand, it’s not as easy as paying for clicks and gaining traffic, a lot goes into setting up a strong PPC campaign.

Why choose the Xiphy Digitals agency as your PPC experts

As the Best and leading PPC Company in Bangalore, Xiphy Digital has the knowledge and experience to build your pay-per-click campaigns. We continuously innovate to deliver a wide range of high-performance PPC services that have earned the recognition of the most cutting-edge business personalities.

We have a diverse spectrum of PPC experts who monitor and optimize campaigns on a continuous basis to Outpace the competition. One of the most common and popular forms of PPC is Search engine advertising which allows advertisers to finance ad placement in a sponsored search engine’s links.

Benefits of PPC Services

Quality Traffic

Using Google Ads insights, you can derive insights about your targetted audience which helps in driving quality traffic and potential leads. Also, PPC ads help to drive more traffic to your website in the early stages of development which will give your brand some exposure and decent revenue.

Quick Results

Using Google Ads insights, you can derive insights about your targetted audience which helps in driving quality traffic and potential leads. Also, PPC ads help to drive more traffic to your website in the early stages of development which will give your brand some exposure and decent revenue.

Keeps Cost Down

If the PPC is functioning properly, the return on ad spend (ROAS) should be significant, as a visit to your site is worth more than what you pay. On the other hand, it’s not as easy as paying for clicks and gaining traffic, a lot goes into setting up a strong PPC campaign.

Our PPC Agency services

Search Ads

Search ads are a successful advertising strategy that captures search intent, and targets your ideal audience with a flexible budget option. The search engine determines which ad to show based on the search term entered and the quality of the user’s website. These ads can appear across google’s search network.

Shoping Ads

Google shopping ads is a service that allows people to advertise their products to intended users in a visually appealing way. This means if a user is searching for a product, google will show your relevant product along with the other competitors’ products based on the search term, when the ad is clicked, the landing page of the product will be shown.

Display Ads

Display ads are visual ads that can be seen while reading an article on blogs, watching a video on YouTube or when using a mobile app. Basically, google display ads are shown in websites and apps that belong to the Google display network(GDN), there are also many other display networks available just like GDN.

Remarketing Services

Remarketing is a technology that enables websites to show targeted ads to users who have visited their site earlier. Past visitors get to see this remarketing ad while they are browsing the web or watching YouTube videos. This will be done with a small snippet ( remarketing code) on your website which adds the users to remarketing list.

PPC Process We Follow

    Pay-per-click campaigns can achieve many objectives based on the business need. There are several reasons behind using PPC that includes identifying new leads, increasing your conversions, and bringing more website traffic. With a proper strategy, PPC is really easy to execute. We have identified the following process in order to run a successful campaign.
    • Assign a campaign specialist
      We will assign a certified campaign specialist who is highly trained and experienced in running Successful PPC campaigns. We will first learn about your business and then talk about PPC strategy.
    • Analyze competition
      Competitor analysis is an essential part of PPC campaigns, By analyzing the strength and weaknesses of the competitors advertising able, we will be able find the opportunities and develop a smarter
      approach for your ad
    • Optimize your Landing page
      Usually, User clicks on the ad based on its content but if the link that they click takes them to a landing page which is not related to their search intent, or to a generic page like a home page on your website then the user will bounce back. We will keep the landing page relevant and add well defined CTA.
    • Bidding strategy
      There are many options while choosing the bidding strategy, picking the right one will depend on various factors that include budget, campaign goal and your experience in PPC. However, our PPC specialist picks the right strategy that delivers successful campaigns.
    • Keyword research
      Keywords are the search terms that people type in search networks when they are looking for things and services. We will do keyword research to identify the set of keywords that will be cost-effective and also identify the set of negative keywords that can bring down the campaign performance.


    • Killer Ad copy
      Based on the competitor analysis and keyword research, we will develop effective search ads that can drive more conversions and accomplish the campaign objective,


    • Optimize campaign performance
      When the PP campaign is started, we will identify the low-performing ad groups, keep a check on quality scores and optimize the campaign immediately. This not only saves budget but also gives quality output.


    • Reporting & Communication
      Your campaign specialist will prepare monthly reporting for you to review, and we will install and share the conversion tracking reports of your ads. These reports will not only help you to understand the campaign performance but also to analyze the increase in sales and accomplishing business objectives through PPC campaigns.
     Get A Free Campaign Audit


    How pay-per-click works?

    Every search engine follows an automated process known as ad auction, this process decides on advertisements that will be shown in search results and also decide the frequency of ads shown. Ad auction is basically a bidding system where the advertisers will bid for search terms (keywords) which will be triggered in the search engine.

    What does pay-per-click mean?

    SEO brings organic traffic to the website and visibility in search results for user search queries, this is done by making certain changes in the website and to get traffic and ranking, we don’t have to pay search engines unlike google ad words.

    How long does it takes to see PPC results?

    Your ads will appear in search results in the first few hours after the campaign is launched. However, great results can be achieved in a month’s time, there are few exceptions where we will have to wait for 3 months that depends on several other factors.

    Is PPC better than SEO?

    When it is deciding about SEO or PPC, it is important to understand that they both are two different strategies working towards the same goal, SEO will help in achieving long-term marketing goals, and PPC will help in achieving immediate short terms goals. We recommend you bring SEO and PPC teams together and devise a strategy that works towards the same goal.

    How does PPC help my business to grow?

    Investing in a PPC strategy has many benefits, especially for those who are in e-commerce businesses and depend on online visibility to make sales. Essentially, there are 27% of users clicks on top search results, PPC helps in growing your business from this traffic also PPC will allow you to measure ROI which is not possible in other traditional marketing methods.

    Are PPC results measurable?

    PPC results are measurable and trackable, performance of PPC can be measured by metrics including impressions, clicks, conversion, and most importantly Click through rate (CTR).

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