How to Find Keyword Cannibalization and Resolve it?

by | Feb 25, 2023 | seo

Keyword cannibalization is a common issue that can negatively impact the performance of a website in search engines. In this blog, we’ll discuss what keyword cannibalization is, how to check for it, how to solve it, and how to avoid it.

What is Keyword Cannibalization? 

Keyword cannibalization is a situation where multiple pages on a website are targeting the same keyword or phrase. When this happens, search engines have a difficult time determining which page to display in the search results, and may end up displaying the wrong page, or not displaying any page at all. 

  This can be problematic for several reasons. First, it can confuse users who are searching for a particular topic and end up on the wrong page. Second, it can dilute the strength of each page’s optimization, making it less likely that any of the pages will rank well in the search results. 

How to Check for Keyword Cannibalization? 

There are several ways to check for keyword cannibalization on your website. One way is to use a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to identify which keywords your website is currently ranking for. You can then check to see if multiple pages are targeting the same keyword. 

 Another way to check for keyword cannibalization is to perform a manual search in Google for each of the keywords you’re targeting. Look for pages on your website that appear in the search results, and make note of any pages that appear multiple times for the same keyword. You can also use a website auditing tool like Screaming Frog to crawl your website and identify pages that are targeting the same keyword or phrase. This can be a time-consuming process, but it can provide a more comprehensive view of your website’s content. 

How to Solve Keyword Cannibalization? 

  If you’ve identified instances of keyword cannibalization on your website, there are several steps you can take to solve the issue. 

  •   Consolidate Content 

One way to solve keyword cannibalization is to consolidate the content on your website. If you have multiple pages targeting the same keyword, consider merging those pages into a single, more comprehensive page that covers the topic in more detail. This can help to strengthen the optimization of the page and make it more likely to rank well in the search results. 

  •  Adjust Page Titles and Meta Descriptions 

Another way to solve keyword cannibalization is to adjust the page titles and meta descriptions of each page. Make sure that each page has a unique title and meta description that accurately reflects the content on the page. This can help search engines to better understand what each page is about, and make it more likely that the right page will appear in the search results. 

  • Use Canonical Tags 

If you have multiple pages targeting the same keyword, you can also use canonical tags to indicate which page is the preferred version. A canonical tag is a piece of code that tells search engines which version of a page to display in the search results. By using canonical tags, you can help to avoid confusion and ensure that the right page appears in the search results. 

  •  Use Internal Linking 

Finally, you can use internal linking to help guide search engines to the right page. Make sure that each page on your website has links to other relevant pages, and use anchor text that reflects the content on the linked page. This can help to strengthen the optimization of each page and make it more likely that the right page will appear in the search results. 

How to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization?

 1. The best way to avoid keyword cannibalization is to be proactive in your approach to content creation and optimization. Here are a few tips to help you avoid keyword cannibalization on your website. 

2. Conduct thorough keyword research: Before creating content, conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and unique keywords for each page on your website. Use tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify low-competition, high-volume keywords. 

 3. Use descriptive and unique titles: Use descriptive and unique titles that accurately reflect the content of each page on your website. Avoid using generic titles that do not accurately reflect the content of the page. 

 4. Create unique and high-quality content: Create unique and high-quality content for each page on your website. Ensure that the content is focused on a specific topic and provides value to the reader. Avoid creating similar content that targets the same keyword or phrase. 

 5. Use internal linking strategically: Use internal linking strategically to direct search engines and users to the most relevant page for a specific keyword or phrase. Link related pages together using descriptive anchor text. 

6. Monitor your website’s performance: Regularly monitor your website’s performance to identify instances of keyword cannibalization. Use tools such as Google Analytics or SEMrush to track your website’s organic search traffic and identify any pages that may be competing for the same keywords. If you identify instances of keyword cannibalization, take steps to consolidate or update the content to avoid confusion for search engines and users. 





1. Why is keyword cannibalization a problem?

Keyword cannibalization can confuse search engines and dilute the strength of your content. If multiple pages on your website target the same keyword, it can be challenging for search engines to decide which page is the most relevant for a particular search query. This can result in lower rankings and reduced visibility for your content. 

2. How can I identify instances of keyword cannibalization on my website?

You can use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify instances of keyword cannibalization on your website. Look for multiple pages targeting the same keyword or variations of the same keyword. 

3. What are the negative impacts of keyword cannibalization on my SEO?

Keyword cannibalization can negatively impact your SEO efforts by diluting the strength of your content, reducing your visibility in search results, and lowering your rankings. It can also make it difficult for search engines to understand the focus of your website and decrease the effectiveness of your internal linking strategy. 

Table of Contents

  1. What is Keyword Cannibalization?
  2. How to Check for Keyword Cannibalization?
  3. How to Solve Keyword Cannibalization?
  4. How to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization?
  5. FAQ
Written by Jayanth

Written by Jayanth

CXO at Xiphy Digital

Jay has over 10 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, Performance Marketing and more.